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Getting started

Let's discover samber/do in less than 5 minutes.

What you'll need

Compatible with Go 1.18 or more.

This library has no dependencies except the Go std lib.

Import package:

go get -u

Create a DI container

The simplest way to start is to use the default options:

import ""

injector := do.New()

Service registration and invocation

Services can be declared as a singleton or a factory. In this example, we will create 2 services Car and Engine, with a simple dependency relation.


// Provider
func NewEngine(i do.Injector) (*Engine, error) {
return &Engine{
Started: false,
}, nil

type Engine struct {
Started bool

func (e *Engine) Shutdown() error {
// called on injector shutdown
e.Started = false
return nil


// Provider
func NewCar(i do.Injector) (*Car, error) {
return &Car{
// import dependency
Engine: do.MustInvoke[*Engine](i),
}, nil

type Car struct {
Engine *Engine

func (c *Car) Start() {
c.Engine.Started = true

Register services using individual declaration

func main() {
// create DI container and inject package services
injector := do.New()

do.Provide(injector, NewCar)
do.Provide(injector, NewEngine)
Port: 4242,

// invoking car will instantiate Car services and its Engine dependency
car, err := do.Invoke[*Car](i)
if err != nil {

car.Start() // that's all folk 🤗

// handle ctrl-c and shutdown services
i.ShutdownOnSignals(syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt)

Register services using package declaration

The services can be assembled into a package, and then, imported all at once into a new container.

var Package = do.Package(
Port: 4242,

func main() {
// create DI container and inject package services
injector := do.New(Package)

// invoking car will instantiate Car services and its Engine dependency
car, err := do.Invoke[*Car](i)
if err != nil {

car.Start() // that's all folk 🤗

// handle ctrl-c and shutdown services
i.ShutdownOnSignals(syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt)